Saturday 11 March 2017

Kalimpong - West Bengal


Blessed with a salubrious climate that remains delightfully temperature throughout the year, Kalimpong exudes a bucolic charm that sets it apart from other more well known hill stations. It is famous for its weekly market, its orchid nurseries and a relaxed manner of life which provides harried city dwellers with plenty of opportunities to sit and stare.

HANUMAN MANDIR AND DURGA TEMPLE :- These temples are located on a ridge behind Deolo Hill and provide spectacular views of the sikkim Hills and beyond them the Himalayas on one side and the Kafer Hills and Relli Valley on the other.

 Rabindranath Tagore at Kalimpong

MANGAL DHAM :-   The  tempple  Was  constructed  in 1993 by   Shri  Krishna  Pranami,  a  Hindu  sect  and  in  the  memory  of  late  Guru  Shri 108  Mangaldasji.   Sprawling  over  an  area  of  2 acrs  of  wooded  land,  this  temple   is  dedicated  to  Lord  Krishna.  Numerous  Pilgrims  visit this  shrine  every  year. 

DURPIN DARA :-   This  Dara   of  hilltop  towers  over   Kalimpong  and  Provides  breath taking  views  all  around, the  rolling  Plains of  Siliguri ,  the  Teesta   and  Rangit   Valley,  the  Panorama   of  the  Khangchedzonga   and  the  chola range,  the  Nathula   Pass  and  the  Tiger  Hill  are    eof  the  Prominent sights  that can  be  enjoyed  from  here.

THE OLF COURSE :- This 18 hole golf course that is run by the Army Golf Club is located at Durbhn. Though patronised by the Indian Army officers stationed at Kilimpong, civilians 
too can avail ot its membership on the completion of certain formalities. The well maintained and picturesue course with its sharply undulating green makes for a challenging field .
My Journey at Kalimgpong

ZONG DOG PALRI FO-BRANG MONASTRY:- renowned as  Durpin  Monastery,  was  Built  in   the  mid - 1970s ,  the  monastery,  lies  at  about  5  Km south  of  the  town  centre at Durpin Dara  Hill, the  monastery  lies  at  Durpin  Dara  Hill, the  monastery  was consecrated  by  the Dalai   Lama, it houses  impressive  wall  Paintings and   rare  three- dimensional mandala  (a  Hindu  or  Buddhist  graphic  symbol of the universe) , From  this  monastery,  one can  get  a  Panoramic  view  of  the town  and the  surrounding areas.

THARPA CHLOLING  MONASTERY:-  Considered  to  be  the  oldest Tibetan Monastery  in lndia,the  Tharpa  Choling  is liosatad  at Tirpai  Hill near  Dr. Graham' s  Homes. The  monastery  belongs to  the Yellow -Hat or Gelugpa sect and  has an  invaluable collection  of rare  Buddhist  manuscripts  and Thangkas. at also imparts  religious training to young Buddhist novices.
 Kalimpong city on the bird eye

GAURIPUR  HOUSE :- TheNobill  laureate Rabindranath  Tagore  spant  many summers in 
 this  house  located 2km  from  kalimpong  town. ln  1940 he  recited  his  poem  Janmadin  ,from  this bungalow  through  a   telephone  hook- up with  the all  India  Radio. 

CENTRAL SERICULTURE  STATION :-   The  State  Sericlture  Department  at    Kalimpong  has  taken  up  an  expanding  Programme  of  mulberry  cultivation  in   Darjeeling  Hills. Following  in  the footsteps  of  India' s  precptors , medicinal  plants are being cultivated  among the Rauwalfa Serpentian, Digitalia,  Purpurea, Atropa  Acuminata , Atropa  Belladona etc.
DEOLO HILLS :- At 5500feet Deolo is the highest point in Kalingpong and provides a wonderful panoramic view of Himalayas. The entire hill is well landscaped with sitting areas,gazebos and view points. A tourist lodge with restaurants and rooms offers basic and deluxe amenities to tourists. private operators have recently begun providing 15 minutes paraglading flights from here. The longer flight takes one to relli river 10 KM downhills.

KALINGPONG ART AND CRAFT CENTRE :- The centre is within walking distance from the motor stand. The handicrafts of this co-operative Handicrafts Centre received wide recognisation all over the country. Some of the things made are tapestry bags,purses,pictorial wall panels,screens,embroidered bags,scrolls etc. Work is done on Bhutanese Lepchas and Sikkimese designed cloth which is manufactured at this centre.

KALIMPONG SCIENCE CENTRE:- This must be one of the most beautifully located centres for the popularization of science in the country. Situated in a verdant and grassy slope a short distance away from deolo Hill, it commands a majestic and panoromic view of the mountains. The centre houses a number of scientific instruments, displays and activities both indoors and outdoors, that mix education with fun. Recent additions are a Zorb ball and Celestrons.

SAMCO ROPEWAY:- Located 20 KM from kalimpong on the highway to Siliguri, this ropeway was constructed by christian Missionaries to open up the remote Samthar suruk region with its predominent Lepcha population. The ropeway spans 1.5 KM over both the Teesta and Relli rivers. It is Breathtaking ride 120 feet over the water of the river, with unusual view.

GITDABLING-BUDHABARE :- budhabare is a weekly market bazar, located at Gitadabling, in the valley of the Git River. This area has scenic countryside, with forest, streams, terraced cultivation, and old style homesteads. A suitable area for easy trekking at an elevation of 1400 meters, it offers quiet walks, old lepcha houses, village pubs, church and a gompa along with walks an opportunity to study tribal culture and lifestyle.

Way 2 Kalimpong to Darjeeling

SAMTHAR PLATEAU:- a scenic and remote plateau located south of kalimgpong at an elevation of 1400 meters is the Samthar plateau. it is perhaps the best spot around kalimpong, for a unique holiday. It is serene and calm provide panaromic views of the snow ranges in an arc of breathtaking beauty stretching from Khangchenjunga in the west to gymochen in the east. The plateau has charming stone and thatch hamlets terraced fields, forests and a mixed population of nepalese,Bhutias, and Lepchas. It is indded a postcard place no crowed, no pollution - only tranquillty. For many years the only access to samthar was through the Samco Ropeway, but now a 80 KM road connects Samthar to Kalimgpong.

LAVA :- Located on a pass astride the old trade route to Bhutan, at an elevation of 2000 meters, a  small hamlet, 35 KM from kalimgpong is Lava. It is surrounded by virgin forests and is ideal for nature exploration, bird watching, and for viewing orchids in thier natural habit. It is also the base for exploring the Neora Valley, upto the 3150 Meter high Rachela pass on the junction with sikkim and Bhutan. Sherpa view point offers goof views of the snow ranges of the Chola Range. Treks to Samthar plateau also start from here.

Monday 27 July 2015

Adventure Tourism in Sikkim, India.

Adventure Tourism in Sikkim

     Sikkim is state of art in indian adventure with  spectacular mountainous range  offers opportunity  for Mountaineering, Trekking, Mountain biking, Ballooning, Paragliding, Fishing and Angling, Bird watching, River rafting, Skiing, Yak Safari and Helicopter site seeing etc. Sikkim's is the tavelbeauty like a snowclad  of jewel . Sikkim is traveller and adventure's ideal destination and offer a wide range of adventure sports and activities for tourist like river rafting, mountain biking,trekking and other activites.

               The Sikkim Himalayas, the epitome of the world's mountain's encompass a wonderland,which for sheer beauty and magnificence remains unbeaten elsewhere in the globe. The state has famous peaks that can be scaled like Frey Peak - 5830 Mtr., Lama Angden - 5603 Meters, Mount Joponu - 6010 Meters in West Sikkim. there are peaks above 6000 meters like Mount sinolchu, Mount Talung, Mount Jonsong  and Tent Peak. The best time for Mountaineering September Mid to November. 

Mountaineering Route - River side

        Mountain biking is most challenging drive hills, river and forest route. Now some biking route open and competetion of mountain biking are avaiable in sikkim and other sides of North East. Sikkim Himalayans offers  exciting biking  for  adventure amusement . The beauty of the sikkim's  flora and fauna and other local  people take experience for adventure of biking.  Most of the roads in sikkim are negotiable by mountain bikes.
Biking Route in sikkim

       Best trekking route india is situated at Sikkim or North east India and remove daily life stress  of busy people. North India is the trekker's paradise. The Trekking route in Sikkim will not only take you through the most beautiful parts of this region where you can see lush green grasslands and deep alpine forests, but will also bring you close to some of the biggest and most beautiful monasteries present in the state. Treking route to Khanchenjunga is the popular and scenic beauty and most adventure are available . The best time to trek in Sikkim  is February to March and September to December. 

   Yak Safari is an unforgettable and unique experience organised in different areas of Sikkim. Popular trails are Dzongri area,around Tsomgo Lake and Chopta Valley in extreme North Sikkim. This types of adventure is avaible by the local people's organise. 

        How about a flying visit in the sky like a bird with your wings opened up and floating with the force of the balloon paragliding and come to the great adventure;  The adventure of flying free by parashoot and Balloon , without any hindrance, the adventures  of freedom, the freedom to fly from paraagliding. No one can hurdle  the temptation of indulging in the celestial amuzeemnt . 

Teesta and Rangit is most popular two rivers where you can ride  in exciting and adventure e rafting. These two river known for the popular  rafting stretches and multi dimentional rapids are good for begineers as well as expert rafters. Since for the maximum of the time ina  year , the water in  rivers remains freezing by temperature , it is advised that you wear as well as carry protective clothing along with you. You will find several sand spots on the banks of these rivers where you can set up camp sites and enjoy the surrounding landscape.
   Teesta - famous river rafting side

                         With over 30 spots earmarked for angling across the state, Sikkim is truly a paradise for those interested in this spot. Best time for fishing and angling  is summer and begining of  autumn, while fishes are movement different place .

Sikkim is the small but beautiful hill lancscape in indian state it is located in major himalayan mountains. The state is guard to Nepal Bhutan and china State and safeguard to out country from any other country enemy. Sikkim  is located beside to the west bengal and Assam in North East india.

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Adventure Tourism in Darjeeling

Adventure Tourism in Darjeeling ,West Bengal,India

The Northern District of West Bengal state in India . It is situated in North east in india and cover from Himalaya range and it is beautiful hill station . Different types of adventure tourism are available from the area. Darjeeling with its natural beauty provide various activity in adventure tourism.

                                                         Khangchendzonga from Darjeeling

Mountaineering : -  Mountaineering in Darjeeling enable to you to explore and view the place is different. It is high altitude and spectacular view. Amazing ride snowy mountains by the Yak and snow leopards.  Himalayan mountaineering Association is arrange different mountaineering games and Sports and give Training in this sector. It is located in the heart of the town watches Khangchendzonga ; The Third peak in the world. Best time for mountaineering from June to September and it depend on the weather. Hill area weather changes in every time.

Trekking : -   The North eastern best trekking place in Sandakphu-Phalut Route in Darjeeling District . In this route watches very clearly in khangchendzonga . Best time to this route journey April,May and October,November. The trek starting a small bus or  cab from Manaybhanjang and thier walking trekking route to Sandakphu and this route is end in Sandakphu. You will back return to Darjeeling via Rimbik.  From Sandakphu you will go Phalut it is highest altitude in this view point of Himalaya Range. 


   A dangerous river - Teesta

Himalayan Mountaineering Institute (HMI) : -    29th May,1953 at 11:30 AM the great day Tenzing Norgay is in the top of Mount Everest climb with Edmund Hillary. Indian Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was found stone of Himalayan Mountaineering Institute in 4th November, 1954. This Institute is mainly trained of trekking and Mountaineering climb and tribute to TENZING NORGAY.  It is residential school in trekking,mountaineering and Sherpa's residential training campus. An important museum is there in campus ; having Norgay's use article and other antique articles. This museum is open to all 9 AM to 1 PM and 2 PM to 5 PM except Tuesday. This Institute  has 16 training course in a year but organize special course on demand basis.
basic Mountaineering course in 28 Days for theoretical course, trekking technique, base camp approaching and field training etc.  Advance Mountaineering Course in 28 Days for how to learn technique in climbing,expedition , rescue operation. This course is complete Mountaineering course. Also Adventure course available in this institute like outdoor programme,Rock Climbing,Camping,Trekking and Water Sports. HMI has a library where many of the books available for Mountaineering. For climbing purpose has 50 Foot and 20 Foot Wall climbing area. HMI Installed a powerful Telescopic for clearly views of khangchendzonga Range. HMI reserve Tenzing Norgay's Mount Everest used dresses and articles like Axe, Jackets, Gloves and Caps.

HMI Communication Address :- 

Himalayan MountaineeringInstitute ,
Jawhar Parbat,
Darjeeling District,
Phone No. - 91 0354 2253 760.

General information in Darjeeling :- 
Altitude - 2134 Meter ( 6800 foot).
Area - 11.44 Square kilo meter.
Population - 1.7 Lakh
Average Rainfall- 320 cementer in P.A.
winter Temperature - Max.- 7 degree Celsius and minimum -2 degree Celsius.
Summer Temperature - Max- 25 degree Celsius and 21 degree Celsius.

Connectivity :- 
Air :- Bagdogra is the nearest flight station and it is connectivity from Kolkata, Delhi and Guwahati.
Rail :- New Jalpaiguri is the nearest railway station and it is distance from Darjeeling is 88 KM.
Road :- Very well connected to Siliguri and take journey 2 Hours.

Thursday 14 August 2014

Tourism Department Offices in Kolkata, West Bengal

Different Tourism Department Official Address at Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
Sl. No.
Name of Tourism Department
Name of the State
Phone / Contact No.
Madhya-Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation

Madya Pradesh
230A, AJC Bose Road, 6th Floor,  Room -7, Kolkata – 700 020
033 2287 5855 / 2283 3526.

Uttar Pradesh Tourism
Uttar Pradesh
 12A, N.S. Bose road, Kolkata- 700 001
033 2230 7855 / 2231 4974.

West Bengal Tourism. Development Corporation
West  Bengal
Hemanta Bhawan, 12, BBD bag (East), Kolkata – 700 001
033 2243 7260.

Government of West Bengal Tourism
Govt. of West Bengal
32, BBD Bag, (East), Kolkata – 700 001
033 2243 7260.

Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council (DGHC
Darjeeling District, West Bengal
4, Shakespeare Sarani, Kolkata – 700 071
033 2248 8271 / 2243 7260.

Tripura Tourist Information Centre
1, Pretoria Street, Kolkata.- 700 071
033 2282 5703 /0624 /2792.

Delhi Tourism & Transportation  Development Corporation
4, Shakespeare Sarani, Kolkata – 700 071
033 2282 6315 / 9804417782.

Odissa Tourism
55, Lenin Sarani, Kolkata – 700 013
033 2249 3653.

3-G, Everest House, 48-C, J N Rd., Kolkata – 700 071
033 2288 0901.

Incredible India (India Tourism),
4, Shakespeare Sarani, Kolkata – 700 071
033 2282 1475 / 7731 / 5813.

Marshall House, 33/1, N.S.Road, Kolkata- 700 001.
033 2231 5554 , 9831110999
Assam Tourism,
8, Russel Street, Kolkata – 700 071.
 033 2229 5094 / 8331.

Meghalaya Tourist Information Centre
120, Shanti Pally, EM Bye Pass, Kolkata – 700 107.
033 2441 1937

Bihar Tourism Information Centre
26-B, Camac Street, Kolkata – 700 017.
98300 452 35

55, Lenin Sarani, Kolkata – 700 013.
033 2265 4556
Nagaland tourist Information Centre
11, Shakespeare Sarani, Kolkata – 700 071
033 2282 5247

Jammu-Kashmir Tourist Information Centre
J & K
12, Jawharlal Nehru Road, Kolkata – 700 013.
033 2228 5791

Arunachal Tourist Information Centre
Arunachal Pradesh
Arunachal Bhawan, Block- CE,  109 , 110, Sector-I,Salt Lake , Kolkata- 700 064
033 2334 1243 / 2358 9865

Sikkim Tourism Information Centre
4/1, Middleton St., Kolkata – 700 071.
033 2281 5328 / 2281 7905

Andhra Pradesh Tourism
Andhra Pradesh
4/1, Middleton St., Kolkata – 700 071.
033 2281 3679 / 98302 76785

Rajasthan Tourist information Centre
2, Ganesh Chandra Avenue, 1st Floor, Kolkata – 700 013.
033 2213 2740 / 98360 10235 9339 976491

Andaman & Nicobar Island
Andaman & Nicobar
3A, Auckland Place, Kolkata- 700 017(Booking)
7D, P Block, Sector- 5, Salt Lake , Kolkata- 700 091
033 2357 7628

Manipur tourism
26, Rowland Road, Kolkata – 700 020
033 2475 8163

Mizoram Tourism
24, Ashutosh Chowdhury Avenue, Kolkata – 700 019
033 2461 5814 / 5887

Tamilnadu Tourism
G-26, Dakshinapan, 2 Gariahat Road (S), Dhakuria, Kolkata – 700 068
033 2423 7432

Kerala Tourism
22, Chinmoy Chatterjee Sarani, Kolkata – 700 033.
033 6536 7190 / 9475 728 414

Himachal Tourism
Himachal Pradesh
1/1A, Biplabi Anukul Chandra Streeet, 2nd Floor, Kolkata – 700 072.
033 2212 6361

Tourism Corporation of Gujrat Ltd.
15, Chittaranjan Avenue, 6th floor, Kolkata – 700 072
033 2225 4317 / 9433 196 081

Chhattisgarh Tourism Board
AE- 324, Sector- I, Salt lake City, Kolkata – 700 064
033 2334 4968

Kumaon Mandal Vikas Nigam
50, J.L.Nehru Road, Kolkata – 700 071.
033 2282 7295 / 9339 878995

Thanks and Good Journey